
 I, (name), authorize Angela Danielle Artistry to use my photos for business purposes only (i.e., their websites, advertisements, or social media sites). For any photos taken by my photographer, I understand that Angela Danielle Artistry will always obtain photographers’ permission prior to posting any photos on social media.

Terms & Conditions

I. Terms and Conditions 

This contract outlines an agreement and includes all contractual obligations made on my wedding date, between Angela Danielle Artistry, hereinafter referred to as "Artist" and (Name) Hereinafter referred to as "Client". 

In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Client and the Artist agrees as follows: 

a. Client agrees to engage Artist to provide Makeup and/or Hair Services on the date and time agreed. 

b. Artist agrees to perform these Services for the Client and any Attendants included in this Contract, under the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Contract. 

c. In consideration of the mutual promises set forth in this Contract, it is agreed by and between Client and Artist. 

II. Relationship of Parties 

A. The Client and Artist understand and agree that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Contract. Client is interested only in the results to be achieved, and the conduct and control of the work will lie solely with the Artist. The Artist is not to be considered an agent or employee of the Client for any purpose. 

B. Artist has the right to refuse service.

III. Artists Obligation to Client 

a. Artist shall provide Services with time and care. 

b. Artist shall perform the Services promptly on the date and time agreed. 

c. Artist shall use their own products in the provision of the Services, unless otherwise agreed upon. 

d. Artist will arrange a means of transportation to get to and from location. (SD local) 

e. If Artist is unable to perform agreed Services for any unforeseeable reason, or unavoidable situation, Artist agrees to arrange for an equally qualified Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist/Assistant to complete the agreed upon Services for the same agreed upon terms of payment in accordance with the Services provision or refund deposit.

 f. Artist shall use appropriate sanitary practices, and only use professional cosmetic products that give high quality results. 

g. Artist will conduct themselves in a professional and friendly manner to all recipients of Services given. 

h. Artist shall be responsible for sub-contracting additional Makeup Artists/Hair Stylists/Assistants for large parties in order to perform the Services required in an appropriate time frame in accordance with the Services provision. 

IV. Client's Obligation to Artist 

a. Client agrees to pay all rates and fees in accordance with the Payment provision. 

b. Client is responsible for Artist's traveling fees, toll fees, and parking fees in accordance with the Payment provision. Client will be responsible for collecting payment from every person or persons receiving services, in advance, and is payable upon arrival of the Artist in full. 

c. Client agrees to provide notice in advance of any and all allergies or conditions in accordance with the Liabilities provision. Client also agrees to have any Attendants receiving services from Artist or their Assistants to give notice in advance, and in writing, of any and all allergies or conditions in accordance with the Liabilities provision. 

d. Regardless of any personal agreements made between the Client and any of their Attendants, the Client agrees to assume all responsibility for fees not paid by their Attendants to Artist in accordance with the Payments provision based upon the current pricing of when contract was signed.

e. Client shall provide the Artist with a safe and private work area at the location Services are to be performed. This location will also provide the Artist with the capability of performing their Services as described, by providing an appropriate area (table/flat surface) to work from, appropriate lighting, and electrical outlets if necessary. 

F. Client/Party will start promptly at the confirmed time/timeline. For any time past 15 minute grace period of start time-a non-negotiable $50 surcharge will be added to the total balance/charged to provided payment method upon booking.

G. Client agrees to pay balances due the day before the wedding date. If not received, Artist has no obligation for the day of event.

V. Services 

a. Services Offered- Trial Consultation, Traditional (hand applied) Makeup, Airbrush Makeup, Hair Styling, False Eyelash Application, and Hair Extension Application. 

b. Client agrees that Artist is only obligated to provide the Services that are specified in this Contract. Any additional Services added on the Event Date will only be accommodated if time allows. Artist cannot be held liable for any problems this presents abiding to the original time line set in place. 

c. Consultation prior to the Event Date: 

1. A paid Consultation (Trial) shall be offered by Artist to Client on an agreed upon time and date. This Consultation shall provide a means for Client and Artist to determine together a set "look" to be performed on the Even Date for the Client. During Consultation, Client will have the opportunity to go over any specific needs, requests, or concerns they would like addressed as part of the Services the Artist will perform on the Event Date.  

**It is client’s responsibility to book your trial. If no trial was scheduled, that is upon the client’s terms. Artist is not responsible.

2. Client understands and agrees that if this Contract is being signed after a Consultation has already taken place, that agreement to this Contract indicates that all Services performed at the Consultation were agreeable to establishing the "look" the Client would like performed on their Event Date. Client also understands and agrees that if they would like said "look" to be changed for any reason of preference, then they will notify Artist within two weeks (14 days) of the event date to describe and outline the particular "look" they had in mind to replace the pre-established "look" with. If these changes are not reasonable, or made clear, in writing, and given within two weeks (14 days) prior to the event date then Client agrees to have the Artist perform the "look" that was established at the Consultation OR proceed with the new "look" at the risk of their application taking longer than anticipated. Artist can only guarantee that any new "look" the Client requests will be executed to their liking if Client agrees to a second paid Consultation prior to the Event Date. If Client does not wish to schedule another paid Consultation, than Client understands and agrees that the Artist can not be held liable for any unanticipated time constraint this places on performing the Makeup Application/Hairstyle, accomplishing the new "look" exactly to the Client's liking, or if the other Attendants specified in this Contract are not given the same length of time as a result of the Client's application/styling taking longer than anticipated. Client also understands and agrees that under these circumstances, they are still liable for the full agreed upon balance. This balance will still be owed, even if as a result of this circumstance the Attendants of Client's bridal party, who are specified within this Contract, were not able to be accommodated by Artist because the Client's extended appointment did not allow substantial time for the other agreed upon Attendants. 

3. If Client waives the offer of a paid Consultation, than Client agrees to allow Artist to perform at their discretion, a "look" for the Client that incorporates the products, colors, and techniques that the Artist deems best for the Client. Client understands and agrees that without having scheduled a Consultation to pre-determine a set "look", that Artist cannot be held liable if the other Attendants, specified in this contract, are not given the same length of time as a result of the Client's application/ styling taking longer than anticipated. Client also understands and agrees that under these circumstances, they are still liable for the full agreed upon Balance. This Balance will still be owed, even if as a result of this circumstance the Attendants of Client's bridal party, who are specified within this contract, were not able to be accommodated by Artist because the Client's extended appointment did not allow substantial time for the other agreed upon Attendants.  

4. If Client is signing this Contract before a scheduled Consultation has taken place, and after said Consultation the Client is not satisfied with the results, the Artist grants the Client the ability to schedule a second Consultation. If the Client is not satisfied with the results of their Consultation, it will be acknowledged between both the Artist and the Client that this Contract will become null and void if made before the cancellation policy of 90 days before event date and neither the Artist nor the Client would be obligated to abide by any of the above recitals or any other aspect of this Contract.  Deposit is still non-refundable.

a. Services To Be Performed on Event Date: 1. It is agreed that Artist shall provide Makeup Artistry Services and/or Hair Styling Services for Client additional Attendants (as specified in online booking. 2. Client understands and agrees that only those persons who are included in this contract are guaranteed Services, and only if time allows, will additional attendants be added for additional fees. Artist is not responsible for providing Services to additional Attendants if they are not included within this Contract. Artist shall only provide Services to additional Attendants not included in this Contract if reasonable time permits. Additional Services on the Event Date may be paid with cash or Venmo. 3. Artist shall be provided with one location only. No other travel setup locations will not be permitted.

V.II Travel Out of State/Out of Country

  a. Client agrees to provide flight to and from local destination, San Diego to Destination upon agreed dates

b. Client agrees to provide hotel & transportation accommodations on/near Bride’s get ready location.

I.  Hotel accommodations will be provided for

II. Transportation is provided (Reimbursements can be made for transportation)

c. All service expenses are covered through travel accommodations unless otherwise specified in this contract. On site fees/deposit & travel fees are SEPARATE from day of service charges.

D. This clause is excluded for travel V.II

VI. Deposit 

a. Client understands and agrees that in order for Artist to hold Client's Event Date in their calendar, a minimum deposit of __$100__ must be paid in advance. This Payment is not included in the Total Balance that Client will owe on the Event Date.  Client also understands and agrees that Artist has the right to consider other paid job offers until this deposit is received. 

b. Client understands and agrees that this Deposit is non-refundable and is a retainer to hold the Event Date in the Artist's calendar. Client understands that this deposit is non-refundable once it is received by artist by any means. Client understands and agrees that this Deposit can be paid by filling out the online contract.

C. On site fees/deposit & travel fees are SEPARATE from day of service charges.

D. On site hotel Parking Valet services must be provided & covered.


VII. Balance Due On The Event Date 

a. Client understands and agrees that the remaining Balance will be due THE DAY BEFORE the event date by 5pm Pacific Time. If failed to do so, Artist will charge card provided upon booking plus a late payment/ 15 minutes will be accrued/charged. If payment is not received the day before event date, Artist has NO obligation to arrive the day of event.

b. Client understands that the balance due can be paid IN FULL form of card, venmo, apple pay or zelle. NO Check payments.

c. Gratuity is not included in pricing and is at the discretion of the Client. 

D. Pricing is PER service. There are no package or combination services.

IX. Cancellation Policy 

a. If Client gives Artist notice of a request to Cancel their booking within 3 Months (90 days) of Event Date, 60% of total balance cancellation fees are applied (60% OF TOTAL BALANCE) . Client also understands and agrees that their initial Deposit is non-refundable regardless of the date in which they cancel (except under Provision V.c.4). 

b. Any cancellations of signed contracted attendees total balance still must be paid for or replaced with another attendee.

IX. Liabilities 

a. Client understands and agrees to give Artist notice of any and all known allergies that Client and/or Attendants (that are receiving Services) have to ingredients that could potentially be found in cosmetic products of any kind. These allergies are to be listed next to the Client's name or Attendants name on the Service Sheet. 

b. Client understands and agrees that if notice is not given to Artist of any known allergies that Client and/or Attendants, or if Client and/or Attendants are not aware they have an allergy, Artist and their Assistants cannot be held liable for any reactions, injuries, losses, damages, costs, claims, and actions that may occur to Client and/or Attendants. 

c. Client understands and agrees to give Artist fourteen (14) days notice, prior to any Consultation or Event Date, of any animals that could cause allergic reactions to Artist. If notice is not given, then the Artist retains the right to refuse Service at the safety of their health. 

d. Client understands and agrees that if Artist refuses Service due to animal allergies, and the Client did not present the risks to the Artist in this Contract, then the Client agrees that they will pay a __$50.00__ rescheduling fee for any rescheduled Consultation, and __$100.00__ rescheduling fee on Event Date. 

e. Client also agrees and understands that under these circumstances, they are still liable for the full agreed upon Balance. This balance will still be owed, even if as a result of this circumstance the Attendants of Client's bridal party, who are specified within this Contract, were not able to be accommodated by Artist because the Client's extended appointment did not allow substantial time for the other agreed upon Attendants. 

f. Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Angela Danielle Artistry, Artist, and Assistants from any and all claims from allergic reactions, injuries, losses, damages, costs, claims, and actions that may occur to Client or Attendants. 

g. Client agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Angela Danielle Artistry, Artist, and Assistants from any Errors or Omissions. 

X. Entire Agreement 

This Contract represents all the Terms and Conditions agrees upon by the parties. No other understanding or representations, oral or otherwise, regarding the agreement shall bind any of the parties. This Contract may not be amended, except in writing, and signed by both parties. In any action or proceeding involved a dispute between the Client and the Artist arising out of this Contract, the prevailing party will be entitled to receive from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees. 

Congratulations again! & Thank you for allowing me to take part on your special, most memorable day! I am humbled & honored to be your artist for this beautiful occasion, which will be treasured for years to come.

Sincerely Yours,

Angela Danielle

** To continue with booking process, please send an inquiry to confirm your date availability before pressing “Book Now.”